Sunday 16 February 2020

Should You Blanket Your Horse Or Not?

One could talk about this subject for a long time and of course there will be people on both sides, as happens with all debates.

Some of us are firmly convinced about using blankets, whilst others are 100% convinced of the opposite.

So let's try and find the golden middle, shall we? :)

There are really very few cases when one could certainly say: Yes, my beliefe is the truth, my way is the best and that cannot be argued with.

Why not be realistic and take a look at both sides, because there are times and situations when rugs are needed and then there's also a time and place for throwing the rug on your horse's back, as well.

1. General rules for BLANKETING a horse:

- Not enough space: this in most cases simply but sadly means that the horse is kept in a small place, usually the stall or the box, therefore he is not able to freely move around and generate enough heat from his body, to keep himself warm enough

- Not enough or inadaquate food: the best example for this is when, sadly again, some people keep horses for competitions and they neglect proper feeding, many times they also inject drugs for better performances, which can cause malnutrition

- Old horse: an old equine, just as an old person, needs more protection from cold, as his system isn't working at their best anymore

- Sick horse: you know well when you got a cold last time, you probably felt like you couldn't get yourself to be warm enough; well, same for horses

- Horses with really thin coat: obviously these horses could have some trouble with cold

- Horses with sweet itch or other skin issues: in this case the horse needs a special blanket which is used mostly in the summer period in order to keep the flies away from his skin

All the above situations are of course highly influenced by the climate he's kept in, if there's any winter and if there is, how low the temperatures get.

2. General rules for NOT BLANKETING a horse:

Excepting all the above cases, horses don't need a blanket.

The best thing for a horse is really not to wear a blanket, as the goal is to keep our horses as naturally as possible.

Just remember: a horse is a horse and always give a horse what a horse needs. Nothing more, nothing less. That's all.

Final conclusion:

A HORSE DOESN'T NEED A BLANKET unless you have a very good reason for it!

Happy Bitless Trails!

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